Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Not long ago, we moved our business from the PASR (Realtor's association) to SDAR. Basically because they offered a better rate..

I soon noticed that SDAR had done a good job luring me in, but their follow up was terrible, it took many weeks to even get everything working more or less as it should. in the end I appear to have never sold a house before, my history was lost, but I thought I could live with that.

A couple days ago, we were going through a tough transaction and Richard D'Ascoli (VP in PSAR), without even asking if we were still members of his association, went all out to help us, and played a vital part in removing almost $20,000 in City penalties and fees that were killing our transaction. Not only did he contact the right people, he did it on the same day, I received calls from the city and a solution within 24 hours.

Thank you Richard!!!

In an environment in which us, Realtors are almost getting used to being belittled by banks and other "players" in the market, Richard D'Ascoli is a breath of fresh air. He has definitely got my vote and my loyalty, I am moving back to PSAR TODAY!!!

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